The industrial relations consultation is delivered in our office or by teleconference and is an hour in length.

Industrial relations means the risk-management of work-related obligations and entitlements between employers and their employees. For example, navigating disputes about wages, penalty rates and allowances. 

In the consultation, we address questions specific to your matter, which, together with their answers, can be used in your communications in your industrial relations matter. 

The most important materials that we use in addressing questions specific to your matter are case decisions of Australian industrial relations tribunals. 

When you purchase the industrial relations consultation, please use the booking link in the resource email you receive automatically upon purchase. Or reply to the email with your preferred date and time.

Your confirmed purchase may be tax deductible. We send you a tax receipt. 

In workplaces, some individuals and organisations experience bullying, unreasonable conduct, and obstacles to performance. In these cases, we often work in concert with other professional advisers. Such advisers may be engaged by the client directly.

We provide industrial relations services, such as the industrial relations consultation, to meet demand for affordable and tangible tools that anyone can use, under their own steam, in responding to workplace issues.